sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Learning to Speak English fluently Lesson 1.(aprendendo a falar inglês fluente-mente lição 1)

How to learn to speak English? I am starting this blog to help those who want to learn English and speak it. I am doing it just because there are not enough avenues(avenidas) for many who want to master this language without spending money and getting cheated(enganado) at the coachings(treinos).
This is a blog where you will learn absolutely free. No charges. Because it is my passion. I will try my best to share all.   Do write to me and we will share the beauty of this language.

the entire contents of this blog is taken from the Internet and of my own. by Rosimary Lima.

Lesson 1.

The first lesson for you is to be confident. Speak up. Don't get shy. If you speak a native language, any lingo( qualquer linguage) either Urdu, Arabic, Tibetan, Hindi or Chinese, don't worry. You will learn. Be patient.

Keep telling yourself that you can do it. Say "I can speak English'' " I will speak English, surely". I will speak fluently. I know I can do it. Yes I will do it. I will do. Surely. Certainly. I can. Yes I am most certainly going to speak the language. I will master it.

This is important repeat these sentences and let them store in the back of your mind.  Learn it on this  blog. No need for class rooms and teachers, coachings and short crash courses that promise to teach you spoken english in 90 days or 100 hrs. Just learn it with this.

is what you have for today

é o que tem pra hoje....

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